Congratulations on your success. I hope that during this time, since the time this thread started, you and your family have been able to start to move on with your lives.
It's a tough road. Too many people think those of us who pursue this are either crazy for getting involved, or insecure regarding our spouse's past partners. Rarely do they ever realize it's about the love, security, and well being of the child involved. I know that we bent over backwards giving my daughter's biomother several years to get her life together and to start seeing her, but that time never came. Only when I filed to adopt did biomother show any interest whatsoever in seeing my daughter. Even then, it wasn't so much as wanting to parent her, but rather an attempt to prevent me from taking "her child". My daughter was in effect, her possession, rather than a living breathing child who had very real needs and wants. The process took nearly 2 full years before a successful completion of the adoption.
For those of you who are still attempting, or contemplating a step parent adoption, there is a site that helps you know what the law regarding adoption is in your state. childwelfare site.
Last update on November 10, 10:32 am by Sachin Gupta.