You are suffering from depression and you need help. Please try to get help and see if your mom and stepdad can help your find it if you cannot find it on your own.
You are the mother your children need. It is much better for you to raise your children with the help of your mother then for them to be ripped from the family they love and be placed with strangers. Your children will suffer unbearable grief to lose you and their family.
Adoption does not promise a better life, only a different one. Because you are suffering from depression things may appear worse then they really are. It is not so bad to rely on your mother for help. Why do you think strangers are better for your children then you their mother or their grandmother? The fact that you think this shows that your depression has affected your ability to trust that you are the mother your children need. But you are!
Your life may not be ideal but you can keep your family together. You just need help. Please try to find the help that keeps your family together. Adopted children and their mothers experience great grief and loss through adoption. I don't think this is something you want to do.
I am going to say this again- You are the mother your children need. You just need help and confidence to help overcome the problems in your life that you are facing.
I think family would be best for my kids to be with, but I don't have family to take them. I don't want my mother to raise them because I don't think she did a very good job with me.
I don't know if I said this in the post, but I want to be able to live on my own and learn how to work a job and pay for myself to get by instead of relying on anyone. I don't know how I'm supposed to move out of my mom's house and take care of my kids if I can't do that.
Also, I'm not looking for adoption, I'm trying to think of something temporary.
Right now, I'm jobless and feel like even if I were to apply anywhere, my work history would prevent me from being hired. I called a mental health place and tried to get therapy, but the Medicaid I'm on doesn't cover it and I can't afford the $100 for the first visit.
Thank you for responding.