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I am weighing in with the other parents of origin on here to urge against pursuing this further with her parents. Like others have stated, I would have been extremely offended by my sons parents taking the word of my parents over the prospective adoptive parentҒs experience with me. At the time I was going through my pregnancy, my parents view of who I was as a person was very different than who I really was. The family I was sent to live with were very concerned before they got to know me as they thought I would be a dangerous and disrespectful young woman. They found out differently almost immediately. To this day my mom will talk about me during that time with a venom and point-of-view that is erroneous.
In your shoes, I would address your concerns with her directly and leave her parents out of it. To do differently is a violation of trust, IMO.
Imagine how violated you would feel if the expectant mother in your case had conversations regarding you with a family member you might not be seeing eye-to-eye with at the time. Imagine if that conversation caused her to rethink the match? I would venture to guess it would be pretty damaging to your relationship moving forward.
If you dont think an open adoption will work with this person then communicate that now. That way she can reevaluate if you are the right match for her.