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I am in the middle of a contested adoption and it is really starting to wear on me. Our baby girl is almost four months old. The emom is the daughter of a family friend. We have a great, open adoption with her. We were told that the BF was all over the place from claiming he was infertile to wanting the baby to agreeing to adoption. We were hesitant at first but after the agency case worker spoke with him, he agreed to sign the papers. Our attorney and case worker felt it was a very good situation. We flew out to her state and were there for the L&D. It was her mother and myself in the room coaching her through labor and I got to watch her deliver our little angel. She let me cut the umbilical cord and hold her and feed her first. It was an amazing experience that I am forever grateful to have had. She signed the papers 72 hrs later and we picked up our new baby from cradle care. Once ICPC went through, we flew home when she was just 9 days old! When we left the BF was scheduled to sign the papers. It didn't happen. He stopped returning phone calls from the case worker and no one heard anything for weeks. Our attorney and case worker said that this happens all the time and he will probably never contact anyone again. The TPR hearing was set for Early June so we were just waiting. Our entire family was beyond thrilled and enjoyed having a new baby in the family. Shortly after her two month birthday, we were notified that the BF had filed papers contesting the adoption. I was devastated! My husband and I have been married for over 10 years and this was only the second time I have seen him cry. (the first time was with our first miscarriage) He is NOT the crying type so it was even harder to see him so emotional. We had to get a paternity test before anything could happen so we are waiting on the results. It took almost two months to get it scheduled because the BF couldn't afford it. We ended up paying for it because we felt it was worth it to get this process moving forward. The BF isn't a bad person. He is just young and poor. These aren't reasons he can't be a good parent. We respect his right to parent and hope that if he chooses to do so it will be out of complete love for his daughter and he does everything in his power to provide for her. He has not wanted to make a decision until the DNA tests results are in and then he has agreed to go to mediation. We will not fight him. We believe that God has a reason for everything and that we are all His children.
One thing that has made this even more challenging is that our baby girl has had several issues. She has seen a pediatric hematologist, ophthmalogist, GI, and chiropractor! It took almost two months to discover she has a severe sensitivity to milk and now they think she may be sensitive to soy! We have poured our hearts into her, trying to fix what we can and comfort her as best we can. We have told the BF's attorney all this and hope he understands she is not an "easy" baby (if that actually exists)!
So, right now, we are still in limbo. Waiting for a decision that will forever change our lives once again. I am just tired of waiting. Tired of feeling like my life is on hold. I am sure many of you understand that feeling. We have been trying to have a family for 9 1/2 years. We have had 4 miscarriages (one landed me in the hospital), a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, a bad round of clomid, a failed match, and now a contested adoption. When do you say enough is enough? Do we move on to something else? Do we try again? I need to pray! Again and again and again!
Thanks for listening!