He was born in Washington, D.C. on February 10, 1952. A-parents adopted him from St.Ann's Infant and Maternity Home and Final adoption took place in Rockville, Md.:confused:
His Birthname was -Robert.
Lisa, check out metro. Could this be a sib looking for your adoptee searching?
[url=]Metro Reunion Registry[/url]
13,202 02-10-1952 M WASHINGTON DC SI
lisa nevius
He was born in Washington, D.C. on February 10, 1952. A-parents adopted him from St.Ann's Infant and Maternity Home and Final adoption took place in Rockville, Md.:confused:
His Birthname was -Robert.
Oh I am sorry. I always run a check on metro for locals and when I saw it was you, I almost didn't answer, knowing you would have checked it but because the registration was older didn't think it was you that had posted it and wanted to be sure you had seen it :confused: Good Luck
lisa nevius
Thanks for the quick comeback, Elaine..But that is my posting on Metro! Still looking..Thank you