We are not in your state, but for us - it was worth it in the end. We also dealt with infertility and spent close to $20k on treatments before finding out that none of them would work because I was basically going through menopause from the time I was 26. I always wanted to adopt, even before I knew I couldn't have babies, but we tried having our own first because it would have been easier.
Anyway, we got into foster care and got two newborns and a 13 month old in the span of 9 months. We eventually adopted them all but it wasn't easy, especially with one of the cases. But it opened up a whole world for us and I actually found my "calling". I'm so passionate about it now and am always looking for ways to help these kids. We are getting ready to take a new placement soon, even knowing the ups and downs that can happen.
I say it's worth it! I hope that you get the two you are looking at, but if you don't, I believe that we all get the kids that need us the most. I remember being upset that we didn't get the first baby we were called about, an 11 month old, but then two days later we got the newborn that I'd dreamed of for years! And he needed us, specifically, because his case was such a mess and so many things could have gone wrong for him in so many ways. But now he's a safe, secure, and very happy 4 year old.
I wish you all the best! I know how hard it is to wonder when it's your turn to be momma.