I'll add my two cents in as well. As we near placement, this adoption hasn't been as expensive as we'd anticipated. We'll have savings left over, but not enough for another adoption soon. That's fine, I'd prefer not to have kids so close together and actually, waiting until this child starts school to begin adoption again would be great. However, I won't be working for at least three years after the baby is born and we plan to send him to a private school. Those two things combined mean another adoption may not be possible for us. Though this child we hope to adopt is not 100% Caucasian, he'll probably look like he is. If we didn't want our second child to be the only person of color in our family, we'd have to limit ourselves to Caucasian children and prepare ourselves for a longer wait. (Not saying that's the choice we'd make, but that has occurred to us.)
Long story short (too late), we're going to save and hope we can, knowing that we might not be able to adopt a second time. We're going to savor all the firsts in case they're the only time for us and hope a better job for my partner rolls around or an easy, (relatively) inexpensive situation like the one we have now falls in our lap. We're not going to refrain from doing anything for our first child hoping to save up for a second.