After 2 months with our beloved baby girl, whom we took home from the hospital 2 days after her birth, we are convinced that we will NOT accept an open adoption when we adopt our second child.
We initially declined to be involved with an open adoption but our Adoption Agency was very pro-open and we were too desperate to say no. The match was perfect for us - no drugs, alcohol, and a healthy birth mother.
However, it soon became clear that we bit off more than we can chew:
-Birth mom/grand mom repeatedly insisting that we accept their Facebook friend requests. We already gave them our personal cell phone numbers but they wanted Facebook.
-Birth mother who insists on referring to my daughter as "her daughter" and refers to her by the birth mother's given name for the little girl.
-Birth mother making constant posts on Facebook about "her daughter", posting pictures of her.
-Birth mother getting a tattoo of the little girl's name
-Birth grandparents repeatedly asking to video chat with our daughter
-Absolutely horrific hospital experience. Our (well-paid!) adoption agency was not present which lead to 4 very long days of Birth Mom/Grandparents extremely bizarre behavior and demands that we stay in the hospital before our daughter was even born.
Now none of these things would deter me from doing it all over again for my incredible daughter. But this is the easy part. Everything leads me to believe that these boundaries will continue to be crossed well into the age where my daughter will begin to understand what it is to be adopted. Everything that I have seen so far leads me to believe that these birth mom/grand parents want their cake and to eat it too. Based on the terrible decisions the birth grandparents are making for their daughter (birth mom), I have no reason to believe that good judgment will be made regarding my daughter and as such I am EXTREMELY concerned about future visits.
Since it is so early and I know birth mom is still healing, I am willing to let a lot pass right now. But if this hovering doesn't start to fade in a year or two, my wife and I will have to exercise the "what's best for our daughter" clause in our visitation contract and deny them access to her.
I am only writing this as a word of caution to those couples out there who are considering an open adoption.
I really hope I don't meet adoptive parents like you on my journey. What a bunch of stuck up, condescending human beings. I pity your daughter.
Unfortunately people like this do exist. But try not to let these types of losers scare you. Most parents that agree to open adoption are very understanding, accommodating, and simply want the best for their child.
I did open adoption over two decades ago when it was still a new concept. I was blessed to find wonderful parents for my child. And yes, the child will always be mine. I grew the baby for 9 months and we're genetically bonded. Not to mention I chose the difficult route of adoption out of pure love and selflessness.
I'm grateful for contact the parents gave me over the years because it helped me have closure and move on. In fact, I've probably given too little contact for the parent's preferences. Nonetheless, my child has had a fulfilling life with their family and has no questions or resentment thanks to the contact we've kept over the years.
Setting proper boundaries are one thing, but the amount of resentment and callousness in OP's posts are disgusting. They are not acting in the child's best interests by having that attitude. And to think the child is 5 now and likely being influenced by OP's hatred for the bio mom & her family. Yikes, poor kid.
That's going to be a train wreck when that child is older. Not even from a lack of contact with the bio family but because of OP's hateful attitude which will be passed on to the child. If people don't want open adoption, don't be selfish or greedy and go along with it just to collect a babies like they're Pokemon.
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We are looking to adopt as well. Our social worker insisted that we consider open adoption. My reply was very short and to the point-over my dead body. I'm a very plain spoken guy that doesn't pull any punches when it comes to my family and doing everything I can to protect them. I have a client who grew up in foster care and he was the first to warn me against the notion of an open adoption. He confirmed my suspicion that it's nothing but trouble as the child goes home, gets torn between his birth mother, then gets forced to go back to his adoptive parents. Often, the birth parents insist on interfering with the adoptive parent's efforts to correct the child or how the child is being raised, which opens up a whole new can of worms. I finally heard enough that I felt comfortable telling the social worker that if the birth parents aren't so bad that I would have to endure them interfering with my family life, then they should send the child back to live with his parents. I'm hearing more and more stories of open adoptions gone wrong. Just the day before yesterday, a birth mother stole her infant son from foster care. Once the home is too bad of a place for the child, that should be it. If the parents are working on bettering themselves, then the child shouldn't be adopted. He should return home once his parents get their act together. It creates too much drama and does more damage to the kid to tear them back and forth constantly.
I really hope I don't meet adoptive parents like you on my journey. What a bunch of stuck up, condescending human beings. I pity your daughter.
Then you go out at three in the morning because mama convinces the kid to run away and come live with her in the motel down by the bus station. You explain to the police why the kid isn't at home where it's should have been all evening. You put up with mama telling the kid that he doesn't have to do this or that because she's his mama and she said so. Then, you deal with the hateful teenager that comes home after going to visit mama down at the motel by the bus station and tears everything off of the wall because "you aren't my mother/father!" If mama is so great, why doesn't she still have her kids? Why should someone who's trying to provide a stable loving home have to deal with all that drama just to pacify someone who can't keep her feet on the floor or stay out of jail? If that's nasty, good. It was meant to be nasty because often these are nasty people who will do everything in their power to make you not want the child and send it back to them. It's bad practice for the everyone in the equation.
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You might consider the fact that maybe not all birth parents are bad. I was just too young to have a baby, so I placed her for adoption. It's been very open and we've had no problems. I respect her parents as her parents, and I'm just there to love her and answer any questions my birth daughter might have. We all just had a birthday party for her together and it was wonderful.
Then you go out at three in the morning because mama convinces the kid to run away and come live with her in the motel down by the bus station. You explain to the police why the kid isn't at home where it's should have been all evening. You put up with mama telling the kid that he doesn't have to do this or that because she's his mama and she said so. Then, you deal with the hateful teenager that comes home after going to visit mama down at the motel by the bus station and tears everything off of the wall because "you aren't my mother/father!" If mama is so great, why doesn't she still have her kids? Why should someone who's trying to provide a stable loving home have to deal with all that drama just to pacify someone who can't keep her feet on the floor or stay out of jail? If that's nasty, good. It was meant to be nasty because often these are nasty people who will do everything in their power to make you not want the child and send it back to them. It's bad practice for the everyone in the equation.
Are you adopting from foster care? In foster care adoptions sometimes one may need to protect more from risks than what a private adoption might require, especially if a child has had difficulty forming attachments due to being moved allot. However, it is important to see both your child and the bio family members as human beings first and foremost. It is natural for a child to want to know where they came from, why they were adopted and whether or not they have other siblings who share their biological make up, their DNA. Openly degrading one’s family of origin is psychologically harmful to children and teens as they are unable to reconcile a parent who says they love them and care about them telling them they came from someone who was no good, worthless, “nasty”. It makes one feel like you are saying that they are descended from refuse...NO! Each child is descended from human beings, yes imperfect human beings with their own challenges and issues, but they are still human beings, and should you be blessed enough to find a good match for you, it will be because that human being though imperfect gave the child the gift of life, which is a gift that any adoptive parent should be grateful for because without that life your arms might just remain empty.
I just wanted to reply to thread. I don't think I've done that correctly forgive me.
Do the children not get a voice here?
I am adopted. I have a BS in Elementary Education and I have Early Education Credentials.
A human that is adopted will have multiple parents their entire lives. If you try to erase or replace any of my parents birth or adopted you try to erase part of me. And that isn't fair.
Birds are the only animal that imprints onto the first thing they see. Expecting me not to mourn the loss of my first parents is expecting me to be subhuman. Google identity development. An infant knows that it is a separate entity from the mother between 12-18 months.
Having your first emotional attachment forever severed is a tough life experience. If you have to do that to a child there better be a good reason. Closed adoptions should be the exception not the rule.
If you're not up for that, get a puppy.
Everyone else, go read The Primal Wound. First Mothers and Second Mothers you are both my mothers. You are both important to me. Please figure out how to get along. I will need both of you to be a team.
Speaking as a birth mother some of these comments on this post and in this thread are super offensive. I have an open adoption with my daughter's adoptive parents and we are very close. My daughter adores me and even calls me mommy. Our open adoption is great. Our daughter is loved by her Adoptive parents AND her birth mom and dad. My daughter means the world to me and I chose adoption because I was in poverty not because I didnt want her. I wanted her so badly and it broke my heart to make that choice. Pain I can't even begin to explain. I thank God my daughters adoptive parents and I have mutual respect and they would NEVER say such horrible things to me or about me. They say only good things about me. And they love and respect me and its mutual. This hate and disrespect I see from people towards birth mothers is appauling. Many of us do not deserve such disrespect.
Last update on May 21, 6:34 pm by Amanda Jones.
Love how the bio parents stepped out, and your psychotic ass was proven to be a troll. Like sweetheart, love to break this to you but craping out a baby from your genitals don't mean anything. K. Defintely doesn't mean a "bond".
don't even waste your time trying to talk any sense into "parents" such as this "man". The way adoptive parents get so possessive is pathetic. You don't see Biological Parent parents doing that, because then they are actually THEIR children. But APs? Some like this fool can't stand the fact that this baby is not only theirs that he is willing to traumatize his babys mother and in the long run his baby. Everyone that commented on here wrote wonderful advice about how an adoption is NOT just like having a natural birth. How do these couples that are so ready to have a baby do such awful research on what they will go through AND the birth family per different agreement.
To deny your kid their birth family because you think this is all about you and having "your family" is fcked up. It takes a real loving family, one that doesn't immaturely/dishonestly/rudely/ and cruelly accept terms to an open adoption, to understand that even if they realized it was easier for them to be closed-->THEY made a mistake and now they should be good people to the ones that gave them their child.
To the guy that wrote this post: when love is shared, it multiplies. My mom tells me everyday "you are me" even though we are nothing alike. Try to understand that when this person birthed her baby, her bones/flesh/veins/arteries, she became a mother. She gave her baby to you with trusting arms. Yes she gave her baby away, but she is still a mother. She is the mother of that child, and you made a terrible decision by telling her that she will be able to be in the childs life. Fucking kidnappers if you ask me. Honestly, blame it on your wifes infertility. Don't go coocoo crazy and get all papa bear and cut everyone off like a heartless low class fowl man. Children are not possessions. Even to Biological Parent-parents, they are never possessions.
I do not understand this pathetic need of people that can't conceive to be so protective when they get custody of someone's child. insecurity is a pretty lame reason given that were talking about unconditional love here.
She handed you her infant. You should respect her and let her know how her daughter is doing. Let her know her interests, because believe it or not, your little girl is going to be a lot like her mother. In many ways like you, and in undoubtable ways like her. That little girl you love so much, is a tiny version of her real mommy. A woman that thinks about her everyday, and if she has any pain at all, it is that the people raising her child have kicked her to the side. She is not a baby machine. She is her mother. The decisions you made were wrong, and the way you think she is disposable is wrong.
And let me make one thing very clear for you, since obviously not having any biological kids affects your thinking. Her mother will never forget about her, nor will she be permanently out of her life (unless she died). She didn't get her name tatted on her arm for no reason. The way you assume she "lost interest" is disgusting to me. Is that what your going to tell your "precious baby girl" when she finds out your not her birth parents? That her poor mother that just wants some updates on her life lost interest? She probably felt you were being very unwelcoming and got depressed and gave herself space.
What a cold, heart-less world we live in. And its only made possible by people like YOU, clay-whatever-no-loving-fakeparent-douche. Cant wait for the day her mom tells her how you guys pushed her out. Then we'll see who's baby won't be theirs anymore. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR DEAMONS
So them putting up boundaries when some women pretend she cares about some kid despite not wanting to raise it is barging in, is unforgivable interesting. But considering you seems to think that just cause you crapped out a baby in some horror show of nature means your "connected" not suprising. In the reality, hun, your a parent if you actually love and care about the kid.
Yes she does, She's only 2 years old. When she's older she may want to know more about her family. She may yearn for it, because it's normal. You can give a child all the love in the world. But birth mom is a powerful thing. They connect, because your daughter want to have a relationship with her mom. You treat the mom bad, that may not be forgivable.
My son is about 7 months old. His birthmom has had no contact since the placement, although we have an open adoption. I have been sending her the letters we agreed to and asking if she wants to do the visits we agreed to every time they roll around (there are supposed to be 4 a year), and leaving the ball in her court for when she is ready. She responded to my last inquiry about a visit and we agreed to a place and time. At the agreed upon time, she texted that she was running 30 min late, then she texted 30 minutes later that she was just 20 more min late, then it was 15 min, then 5 min, then another 20 min, and so on until it had been 3 hours and 45 minutes. At that point, it was getting close to his bedtime and I texted her that we had to leave (he was fine chilling for those 3 hours and 45 min, we were somewhere he likes, he's a baby so if he's getting his bottles and someone he likes is with him he's pretty much good). 15 min after that she texted "Where are you I'm here?!" I then got a butt dial from her and could hear her asking people if they had seen us and explaining she was supposed to meet her son's adoptive parents. I texted "We had to leave, I'm sorry we missed you. Hope we can see you text time."
I'm not sure where to go from here, especially because she's given me no explanation of what happened during the nearly 4 hour delay. I don't know if she was too anxious or sad about the visit, if she simply had transportation problems, if she got high (she's active in her addiction to heroin), or if there's another explanation.
Just schedule another visit the next time it's due? Reschedule this one? Change something about how we schedule it? Demand an explanation or leave it be?
I'd appreciate your thoughts.
In response to this adopter pyscho:
"So them putting up boundaries when some women pretend she cares about some kid despite not wanting to raise it is barging in, is unforgivable interesting. But considering you seems to think that just cause you crapped out a baby in some horror show of nature means your "connected" not suprising. In the reality, hun, your a parent if you actually love and care about the kid."
Here, in a psychotic nutshell is all that is wrong with domestic infant adoption. I bet you yourself are an adopter who told the probably young and without many resources natural MOTHER how selfless and wonderful she was before you got your sick claws into her infant.
"Crapped out a baby in some horror show of nature". Wow. How about "bought yourself a baby in some horror show of sick greed and entitlement in a quest for a someone else's flesh and blood". That's more like it, scumbag.
I’m sorry but you’ve gotta be just about the dumbest person on earth to even say something like “crapping a child out” basically calling the child nothing as it is, and if you ever adopted I feel sorry for the birth mom and her child. You don’t crap babies out dumb ass, you nurture them with your body and feel them grow inside of you and see pictures of them for 9 months, and then for somebody doing an adoption you’re doing al of that emotional attachment KNOWING at the end of the road you can’t keep the baby you’re bonding with, wtf do you think the baby is just a lifeless thing in the womb until he/she is born, we’re animals, we have motherly instincts, well most of us do, obviously you don’t talking like somebody who’s never had a kid, when you hear your baby cry for the first time, your first instinct is to hold it and protect him/her, watch wtf you say you uneducated waste of human space. Kind of seems like somebody crapped you out. Maybe that’s why you talk and act so damn stupid behind a screen.
So them putting up boundaries when some women pretend she cares about some kid despite not wanting to raise it is barging in, is unforgivable interesting. But considering you seems to think that just cause you crapped out a baby in some horror show of nature means your "connected" not suprising. In the reality, hun, your a parent if you actually love and care about the kid.
You obviously have NO idea what open adoption really is. You should have never in no way shape or form been allowed to have an open adoption plan if this is how you were going to talk about the birth mother of your daughter. This is absolutely disgusting behavior. I AM A BIRTH MOTHER! I am on my adoptive mother's Facebook page. I talk to her regularly. We text, I post photos of my son, we comment on each other's photos, they are even coming here for a visit in a couple of months. We call the baby OUR SON because he is in fact OUR SON. I absolutely HATE adoptive parents like you. You give a horrible name to what adoption is and what open adoption is. You make it sound like it is so horrible. What you did is make the wrong decision because in your words "you were so desperate." Which is the ABSOLUTE WRONG REASON! I'll pray that your daughter never turns out like you and can actually see the benefits of an open adoption even though her adoptive mother is a horrible human being. I hope that her birth mother does stay in contact and continues to make you "bite off more than you can chew." Shame on you.
My son is about 7 months old. His birthmom has had no contact since the placement, although we have an open adoption. I have been sending her the letters we agreed to and asking if she wants to do the visits we agreed to every time they roll around (there are supposed to be 4 a year), and leaving the ball in her court for when she is ready. She responded to my last inquiry about a visit and we agreed to a place and time. At the agreed upon time, she texted that she was running 30 min late, then she texted 30 minutes later that she was just 20 more min late, then it was 15 min, then 5 min, then another 20 min, and so on until it had been 3 hours and 45 minutes. At that point, it was getting close to his bedtime and I texted her that we had to leave (he was fine chilling for those 3 hours and 45 min, we were somewhere he likes, he's a baby so if he's getting his bottles and someone he likes is with him he's pretty much good). 15 min after that she texted "Where are you I'm here?!" I then got a butt dial from her and could hear her asking people if they had seen us and explaining she was supposed to meet her son's adoptive parents. I texted "We had to leave, I'm sorry we missed you. Hope we can see you text time."
I'm not sure where to go from here, especially because she's given me no explanation of what happened during the nearly 4 hour delay. I don't know if she was too anxious or sad about the visit, if she simply had transportation problems, if she got high (she's active in her addiction to heroin), or if there's another explanation.
Just schedule another visit the next time it's due? Reschedule this one? Change something about how we schedule it? Demand an explanation or leave it be?
I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Hi John,
I'm a birth mother and also a recovering drug addict. I appreciate the fact that you are sticking to what you agreed to for your open adoption plan. That's amazing. Personally, I know that she was probably very anxious about the visit which led to drug usage which then led to her being excessively late. In my opinion, the one thing that worked for me was tough love. The parents of my child knew it wasn't a good idea for me to be around my child while I was still using drugs. Now that I'm sober I 100% agree with that. I know it's going to hurt her and she will say she hates you but until she can get sober you should probably stop visits. You could try to do 1 more visit and see how she looks and if she shows up and determine from there what the future will hold. Continue to send photos and letters though. It won't be good for your son to see his birth mother in a bad state. I hope she gets the help she needs and gets sober. i'm sorry you guys are having to go through this.
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