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Thread: No one loves me
Sophie I am so sorry your dad did that to you. It wasn't right. Not to defend him, but he is 80 years old and he might not understand how adopted people have issues with abandonment. I remember a very similiar situation with my father. I am not adopted, but I remember how crushed I was when I came home late one night and he opened, and then shut the door in my face. I too thought, how could someone who loves me treat me this way.
Have you met your birthfamily? Do you know the circumstances of your adoption? Many times a birthmother does not know she is abandoning her child. She believes she is giving her child a better life that she could not give her. I am not saying that is the case, and even if your birth mother's motives were pure they still may not change the feeling that you were abandoned.
In any case I hope you feel loved. All daughters are perfect. Mine is absolutely perfect in every way- and she gets me angry some times. lol Your dad may have forgotten what it is like to be young but that does not make you imperfect. It just makes you a young person who is enjoying life. He may be trying to guilt you in to coming home early because he worries about you. Perhaps you can talk to him and tell him how it felt when he told you what he did.