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I'm not sure what section to post. I hope it's alright here. I suck at titles.
I have this adoptive aunt (She's married to my dad's little brother). Anyway, I don't know if she has something against adoptive parents or adoptive children/adults or what. It sure feels like that. I have no clue what the heck is her problem.
My adoptive parents and few of my parents friends (Since I knew as a child) They all went to a retirement party. My mom's friend asked my mom, "How are your 3 kids?" (btw, my brothers and I are adopted)
My mom said, "They're doing good."
My adoptive aunt jumped in, "It's not like they're your kids! They are someone else and you're just raising them."
She's always been like that around my mom since she adopted us. The two do not like each other. Maybe, that's the reason why also. Jealousy? Don't know.
My brother had called at the house and we were having phone problems and he begin to worry about us. So, he called our aunt and she would not accept the call from him and she flat told my mom, "He is not blood related. That's the reason I did not accept the call from him!" My aunt thinks she's very perfect and she had her own blood babies and I guess where not perfect for her. My parents couldn't have kids and they wanted kids. So they went to adopt us.
My Adoptive dad said, "Just ignore her." But, How can you ignore on what she said? It's a hurtful way.
My adoptive cousin was so ticked off at my aunt. She's a red headed and when she loses her temper. Watch out. She said, "They took your last name. They're considered as family period."
My aunt always introduce, "This is my adoptive niece."
I don't know why she can't leave "Adoptive" out.
Has anyone ever come across with a relative who is so small minded? What were your experiences?
Do people have problems with adoptive kids? I told mom, "Look at our cousins (that are from dads side of the family) and they adopted children from different countries.