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I want to say that sometimes private help is better than ECI. Here, my chances of getting an OT out here is next to nil so I'd use ECI (unless by miracle I found an OT with an opening). But for Monkey, for example, I used private home health for speech and physical therapy (btw, PT is another that is hard to find; but our PT took us because our ST told her that we ALWAYS do every bit of homework and my kids progress better than one would expect). But I prefer private because the number of visits is about double (for the children I've had).
Another reason to look into private therapy is because, here, ECI's standards have tightened so a kid who needs therapy may not qualify; but they would qualify according to private therapy companies and medicaid. This also is what happened with Monkey.
Anyway, just a consideration. Here, all foster kids are checked by ECI. We have used some ECI services for some kids (OT, dev therapy, spit up concerns, behavioral social worker, etc); I just WAY prefer private therapies when available.