Hello everyone, I would like to help a loving couple out by placing a baby up for adoption. However, the twist is that I am not yet pregnant. I have been trying to get an attorney to help me out since I think that would be best for everyone, but haven't been able to get a positive response as of yet. My OBGYN is removing a small fibroid laparoscopically, after which he says I should have no difficulty being able to conceive. I want to use donor sperm (bl/gn, 5'8"-6", science background) in order to get pregnant. I have insurance through my job, own my own business, and work in city government. I'm 5'7", healthy, 125 lbs. Irish/German background. I attended a magnet school in WPB and won a full, four year scholarship to a highly competitive school. I am receptive to both a closed or open adoption. I am also gay/lesbian friendly. I can provide more details if needed. I hope I can can get helpful, non-judgmental advice. I am 100% committed to following through. Regards, Sam
I think it's an honorable although definitely unusual thing you want to do. Personally, it would make me uncomfortable for many reasons. Out of curiosity, why do you not want to have a child and raise them for life? Are just interested in the pregnancy aspect? Why not consider surrogacy? If you end up changing your mind, are YOU prepared to parent?I only ask because I know many, many people on here have been through situations just like this -- with birth mothers saying they were 110% committed -- only to change their minds at the last second and step in to parent the child.