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Yeah attachment is more important to us than having her in her own crib, I just have read that co-sleeping is one of the harder habits to break ...
It might be one of the harder habits to break -- but it is the easiest way to facilitate attachment at this point. The only focus right now should be attachment, and if she is comfortable and actually SEEKING out touching you then I would full heartedly pursue it if you can :) It would be FAR worse if she was comfortable with you leaving her in a crib and walking away. This is a healthy sign of insecure attachment (which is better than no attachment) and probably the BEST case scenario you can expect this early in your relationship.
Comfort, console and cuddle. Worry about breaking this habit a couple months down the road (says the mother whose almost four year old sleeps in a toddler bed next to our bed :eyebrows: ) I am a mother of six and NEVER thought I would co sleep EVER but it is what my youngest needed and it has been the best for her. It is a phase and it WILL pass (before she is 10, I promise :) )