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Have you had her checked out since you got back to see if she has an ear infection? C always has trouble being laid down when he does, and sometimes even when he's sniffly because of the pressure.
Remember that she needs to bond with you. C was with me at just days old, so I'm not as up on toddler attachment as some folks here are, but right now you are the most familiar thing in her world, and it's not really surprising she wouldn't want to be away from you. How do you feel about cosleeping? Is this an option for you, at least temporarily? If not, it might be easier for her if you put her down when she's sleepy but not completely asleep, and then stay with her until she falls completely asleep. C is 20 months, and I always make sure to put him down before he falls completely asleep because the change does wake him sometimes.
Good luck, hopefully some others who have more toddler attachment experience will chime in. And congratulations on your new daughter!