My only suggestion is to know your limitations and honor them. If it's something you're not comfortable with, just say no. I'm sure there are several out there that stretched their limitations and situations worked out fine, but I think everyone has a limit somewhere.
I am one who knows which things I will not sway on and what things I have wriggle room with. Personally, I am not ready for a baby or toddler. We just got out of that phase with our bios and I rejoice and welcome the ability to reason with my kids. I'm not ready to go back and therefore do not want a placement with a baby or toddler.
A boy is also out of the question. Nothing against boys, but we are not comfortable bringing an adolecent boy into the picture with 13, 5 & 4 year old girls. I cannot "justify" this feeling in my gut except to know to heed this feeling that an adolecent boy in our household is not a good fit for us. It is just a deep gut feeling I will honor.
We will, however take school age and up girl siblings. That's where the wriggle room comes in.
Figure out your guidlines and comfort zones. Don't feel the need to explain what is right for your family or justify it. Listen to your heart and gut and proceed from there. :)