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I certainly could be wrong but I think that you have to deal with Town A state vital stastics (and the adoption is finalized). The reason that one is not filed is the problem - was this a hospital birth? We had to go through a whole formal process with forms to file out, wait for reply, fill out and send another form.
So if you haven't already, I suggest going to Town A State website and find the form to request a birth certificate. Fill out the form with the information you know and send in form and wait for a reply - we got a phone call asking WTH did we send this in for and then we got to talk to a live person about the problem. She sent us another letter with another form and then we filled that out. This is how the ball got rolling for us. It was worth it because after 2 months we have an amended birth certificate and a social security number (once certificate received, went to ss office and we had the # in a week!)
If there is no birth certificate, the state vital stastic can provide a document, your LO immunization certificate, adoption decree (call the social security office bc some states require the decree to read a certain way - for instance ours didn't have our DD name in the decree so we had to get another document) and then you should be set to go in there.
If it is a hospital birth, and you know the name of hospital, it may be worth a call to them and ask to speak to someone who files the birth certificates and see what they have to say.