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It is important to realize that while you can try this and that, the fact is that some kids will do this right up until adulthood (insert funny video: [url=]What You Do With Pee - YouTube[/url] ). I *highly* suggest not getting it into your head that you're going to nip this in the bud. You might. But you might not.
We did try the "when you're a big kid" stuff. I wouldn't do it again (other than possibly briefly because it could work with a fairly normal 3yo). It is more likely that a child who is building his self-confidence, self-respect, pride, etc by doing great things (swimming, art lessons, making friends, whatever) will feel better in general so do it less or stop it. Additionally, keep in mind that kids going to these extremes (again, not talking about a kid just trying out behavior), are generally pretty dysregulated inside. When all that calms down, he'll more likely handle the incidents he pees in better also.
I'm just saying. Some kids are much more dysregulated than other kids, even other foster kids. It is really better to handle the underlying stuff than individual behaviors. In time, the individual behaviors will lessen. Some may never go away. Others may take years. Preserve your own sanity along the way.
BTW, do know what your state's minimum standards says about such things. In my state, some licensing investigators have decided that anything more than changing clothes is shaming the child. You can't have them rinse clothes or towel up a mess. To me, it is ridiculous. If they spilt milk, I would hand them a rag, why *wouldn't* I if they peed or pooped on the floor?