Dear Prospective/adoptive parents:
Central Adoption Resource Authority is the main office that gives No Objection Certificates (NOC) and approves adoptions in INDIA.
Being a governmental organization, and fairly new this institution is also suffering from lots of lack in management and policy issues. They don't realize that they are dealing with life of children and emotions. Parents are waiting for months and years just to get their file on the desk of an officer.
CARA is simply negligent in moving things and the reason they show is that their policies are being revised. Now they keep saying this for 2 years.
CARA is not being sensible to the emotions of children and the parents. A child loses is great childhood stage and being in a family by CARA's inefficient approach.
However CARA being the highest authority, it is mandatory these days that adoptions have to go through them. The worst part is you won't get any response from them at all when you try to get in touch with someone.
Here is their website. [url=]Central Adoption Resource Authority[/url] While wishing that parents must still get going if they wish to adopt from India but prospective Adoptive Parents must study well and be prepared for long delays when adopting from India.
All the best