We let our license expire last Oct. because our youngest son's adoption was finalized, and we weren't getting any calls anyway. Two older siblings of our youngest were removed from their pre-adoptive home of over two years so we got busy getting our training and paperwork done so we could take them. Our license was reactivated Friday. J and M are in pre-placement visitations and will come home in mid-July. I'd appreciate prayers for them. They have been through a lot. So anyway, we're back.
Oh wow! Becki, that's amazing.
I haven't been on here in ages. We've been so incredibly busy that I barely have time to take a breath. We have 3 toddlers now - 33 mos, 23 mos, 11 mos. And had another one leave earlier this week. Two of our kids have comPleted TPR and we are waiting to finalize. The third is not far behind... I think.
Yes we are busy, but I love it! It's been a whirlwind and tons of crazy, but I wouldn't change a thing.
So how is it going with the siblings of your little guy. Who I'm guessing doesn't seem quite so little anymore.