So, L, gets the basic rate for subsidy. I received a bill from DSS for the reduction from LAST YEAR!! Why not just say they're reducing it (it's not much - $20 a month) as opposed to waiting a year and a half and sending a bill??!! ish!!
the state reduced it; I'm guessing it's to raise revenue. I've read where other states have either reducced it or eliminated it altogether.
Oh, for cryin' out loud! How ridiculous. I"ve heard of this happening......just don't know why any states think reducing a subsidy is the better way to raise income? I'd think they'd first consider reducing their own paychecks (state legislators)....but I suppose that might seem too 'giving'.
You have my sympathies. Might you be able to apply for SSI to cover the difference? I know SSI is 'means tested', but just thinking of a possible option for you....
Linny: I totally agree. Reduce your salary first!! but why not send out a letter when it's first done and not a year later!!! A caseworker mentioned getting SSI for their behavioural problems. But L will be the only one who I worry about. the other 3 will heal and become productive members of society!!
Linny, usually you can get SSI or the subsidy, but not both.
You know, a few years ago I would have sworn this was true, but I was proven wrong when a relative was able to receive BOTH at the same time-and still doing so. It was verified by her adoption attorney who'd applied for the state subsidy.
I still don't understand how a person can receive both, but in her case, it's done every month---and SSI as well as the state subsidy folks are aware both are being collected!
I agree, Millie.....if I'm reading you correctly, this means *you* now have to pay back some of the subsidy?????
What a bunch of whooey.......