I have the original court order changing my name to what my adoptive parents named me. It has my legal name prior to the change. My question is, what are the chances that name was the one my birth mother gave me? I'm in Virginia, born in 1967, adopted through Children's Home Society. Does anyone have experience with this to know if the name could be a fake one given by the agency? Even the last name?
Thanks for any help. It feels like I've been searching forever. They want $500 just to look with no guarantees.
I'd say it was a pretty good chance it is the name your mother gave you. I wasn't named on my original birth certificate so I was baby girl ____.
Kind regards,
Thanks! I would love to believe it is the name she gave me. Something from my birth mother...
When I spoke with CHS a couple of years ago the social worker there said they had problems with some attorneys back in the sixties failing to seal that info. Hoping against hope it is really my name. :)
I would bet it was your original name.
It's a legal name change. So, your OBC was your first legal name, and it was being legally changed to your new (adoptive) legal name.
I have the original court order changing my name to what my adoptive parents named me. It has my legal name prior to the change. My question is, what are the chances that name was the one my birth mother gave me? I'm in Virginia, born in 1967, adopted through Children's Home Society. Does anyone have experience with this to know if the name could be a fake one given by the agency? Even the last name?
Thanks for any help. It feels like I've been searching forever. They want $500 just to look with no guarantees.
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I am a retired federal agent and now a licensed PI. I recently found two birth mothers and have found it very rewarding
I am happy to help