I was born in Panama, Central America to two unwed individuals who felt they could not properly care for me and my brother, and decided put us up for adoption. I do not know the name of the orphanage, but the adoption agency has since closed, so my options and resources towards finding them slim down even more each year.
If you're here and think I may be who you are looking for, please contact me; I have two children of my own, and I want one day to be able to tell them of my ancestry. As of right now, I feel I don't have any...
So to recap, I was born in the third world country of Panama, and am searching for my birth parents: Maria (maiden name unknown) and Leopoldo Ramos-Samudio. Again, my understanding is that they were not married at the time of my adoption. That's all I know...
I look forward to meeting you...wherever you are....