I am in two very very open adoptions. My children's first families have visits etc. It's very open. However; I read tons of stories from people on this site who've been adopted (usually closed) or are in reunions due to open going closed or other factors. I'm hoping to hear from someone who was in an open (truly) open adoption and how it all worked.
I'm in the very early stages only been at this a couple of years so I'm wondering from you who have been there done that how did your parents (all of them adoptive & firsts) navigate these tricky waters?
I'm wanting to make sure I keep my kids needs (even unspoken ones) in the front of my mind.
C -
I don't believe there are any adoptees on this site who lived open adoption - most of us are probably as old or older than you...
MTARP is a longitudinal study that started back in the 1980's and is now completing it's fourth wave (or has completed). If you google it you will come to the website - no idea if they have posted any results from the later waves of the studies yet or not. I think it was MN / TX study. I do know one adoptee online who was part of it and she said the way they did the study made it valid from the adoptees point of view, i.e. it wasn't parent answered or parent standing over looking at the answers.
Kind regards,
Thanks Dickons! I'll check it out! I know this "new & improved" form of adoption hasn't been vetted out completely. So I'm trying to gain every ounce of perspective I can get.