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I'm highly suspicious of the person that knows they are being recorded while the other party doesn't. And the video is edited like crazy.
While I agree her posture and tone were in interrogation mode, essentially she was interrogating...
Did you hear that he doesn't know where the child lives? Obviously that is a red flag to me about his stability and possibly his stability.
We don't know the background. He kept arguing ridiculous points of zero calorie drinks, coffee, etc. Maybe that's his MO when they try to talk to him in the past and so they approached him in an aggressive manner that didn't match his "recorded tone, responses"... Maybe they brought that aggression from past interactions...
He seems like an extremist to me.
Not saying they are right in how they spoke to him and some statements they made are so, so wrong but it's easy to come off looking like the good guy when you know you are recording AND you have the edit button...