I got pregnant out of wedlock in 1990. I was forced by my parents to make a choice, have an abortion, or give up my daughter at birth. If I didn't I would be disowned by them. I had no other family to turn to and my grandmother told me that I was stressing out my parents and that she would never talk to me again unless I did the "right" thing. After they dragged me to an abortion clinic and tried to physically force me out of the car, they drove me to a pregnancy home and left me there. I had counseling where everyone told me that I would be "doing the best thing for the child" and it would be selfish to try to keep her. I had always wanted a daughter, and when she was born, I wanted to keep her with everything in me. I resisted signing the papers, but under non-stop stress, threats from my abusive boyfriend who I left after getting pregnant, and cooertion from my parents and the adoptive parents I relinquished my rights. To give her a better life with something I didn't have. A BIG family and parents who would give her the world.
Soon after that I began the fight for my life as I was diagnosed with cancer. When I finally got better, I asked the amom if I could visit and she said no. I was devastated because she has promised an open adoption. DEVASTATED.
My dad then grew a heart and felt bad. He said, she is only two years old, take her back. You can get her back. I said no that would not be fair to her. I wanted to with all my heart get her back but I didn't want to hurt my daughter who had already bonded with her afamily.
23 years later, I am still angry at my parents. I have contacted my daughter and had brief talks with her for a few years now. I send presents to her, but she has a HUGE family and although she is nice to me, I do not know if she sees my as a family member as I would like to be. She really does not need me. But I need her. I saved her life when my parents tried to get me to abort her. I was young and scared and I did what I didn't want to do. I don't expect gratititude. But I am hoping we can be close.
I am having a hard time with a relationship with my parents and I am feeling rejected by my daughter. I would like to claim her as my daughter and make up for lost time. She is more than willing to accept gifts from me but she doesn't remember my birthday or anything. Maybe I am expecting too much.
I wrote all of this to say that I think the loss accompanying adoption is something that no one ever thinks about. People want babies at any cost and do not think of the pain it causes. I got nothing. No counseling. Nothing. And I know that things are slightly different now and there is more support out there for young mothers. It is heartbreaking. I would have been a great awesome mom if someone had helped me onto my feet and let me know there were people or agencies willing to help when my parents flaked on me. Adoption equals loss no matter how you slice it.
Soon after that I began the fight for my life as I was diagnosed with cancer. When I finally got better, I asked the amom if I could visit and she said no. I was devastated because she has promised an open adoption. DEVASTATED....
I saved her life when my parents tried to get me to abort her. I was young and scared and I did what I didn't want to do. I don't expect gratititude. But I am hoping we can be close....
I am having a hard time with a relationship with my parents and I am feeling rejected by my daughter. I would like to claim her as my daughter and make up for lost time. She is more than willing to accept gifts from me but she doesn't remember my birthday or anything. Maybe I am expecting too much.
I'm so sorry your family failed you when you needed them., and I'm sorry you are currently not able to have the relationship you would like to have with your daughter.
But, do keep in mind that your daughter is ONLY 23. Developmentally, she is at a point in her life where she is attempting to separate herself from her family and to figure out who she is and who she wants to be. So, right now, the idea of more family may not interest her.
Again, at her age, it is very common to neglect family relationships, so it isn't surprising that she would fail to remember your birthday.
Moreover, many adoptees feel a loyalty to their adoptive parents. For many, having a relationship with their biological parents makes them feel as though they are being disloyal to the family who raised them.
With time, she may decide that she does want you in her life.
My only concern is that you said you don't expect her to be grateful, yet you also said, "I saved her life when my parents tried to get me to abort her." That does convey, at least to me, an expectation of gratitude. Many of us balk at the idea of gratitude, especially the idea of having to be grateful for not having been aborted.
As far your expectations are concerned, I would throw them out the window. As you know, relationships are a two-way street. Just let her know that you are there for her, and as she goes through different life phases, she may find that she does want you in her life.
23 years later, I am still angry at my parents. I have contacted my daughter and had brief talks with her for a few years now. I send presents to her, but she has a HUGE family and although she is nice to me, I do not know if she sees my as a family member as I would like to be. She really does not need me. But I need her. I saved her life when my parents tried to get me to abort her. I was young and scared and I did what I didn't want to do. I don't expect gratititude. But I am hoping we can be close.
I'm so sorry... you had such an EXTREMELY traumatic time prior to the birth and it sounds like that has impacted on your health. Many birth mothers and babies suffer from PTDS - have you continued with counselling and healing therapies? There are so many wonderful therapists now. You mentioned that you wanted your daughter to go to a BIG family and parents that could give her the world and by all appearances she has just that, so it was not in vain as far as giving your daughter a happy life was concerned. My daughter was adopted into what turns out to be quite a dysfunctional family and she has many issues, which is excruciating. She lashed out at me quite a bit and was not always nice to me, in fact quite abusive. I know exactly how you feel in wanting more contact and a close relationship. I think I thought that once we met it would take all those years away, and I would get back what I was missing, but of course it doesnt work that way. It is really hard but if you are patient you may just get that close relationship - your chances are good as she sounds like a well adjusted young woman. However, from my experience if you jump the gun and have expectations of a close relationship at a time when she is not able to, it could spell disaster. If you can, use those times when she drifts off in her life to work on your own healing and other interests and turn this into a positive evolution. Stand up tall and your daughter will recognise that on some level and appreciate you as a person of interest who doesn't "need" her in a clingy way. Best wishes with your journey.. she is very young and who knows what the future holds - stay positive. :wings:
I've just read your post and I am so, so sorry your parents were not there for you, also to be promised that it would be an open adoption then not let you see your daughter.....oh, extremely cruel beyond words.
I was adopted at 4 months old, your daughter is very young, I remember being in my early 20's and not wanting to know anything about my bmom, I didn't think of it in a cruel cold way, it's just that at that age everyone is just so busy, we are trying to be independent, find out what we want to do goes on the back burner so to speak sometimes, it's not intentionally done it's just it's that age. Also I can say a huge factor was I loved my amom dearly and didn't want to hurt her.
Now, as I got older I started thinking about everything much more, especially when I was going to have my own child, as another poster said we go through several life changes, this is so true. You just never know what will happen in the future.
You are so right..."Adoption equals loss..." it does, it really does, I felt lost my whole life, empty..even though I love my amom so much.
After finding my birth bmom she treated me so badly, my heart literally broke in pieces, I can totally understand the pain you have except of course we are coming from different angles.
Therapy is good I think, other than that you just don't know what will happen down the road, that's not much help to you right now, I completely understand, but you have to take good care of yourself. I wish there were some magic words to help you, I really do.
Keep in touch with your daughter, let her know you are always there for her as I know you will, I know I have to take care of me now, for a very long time I was depressed, all I could think of was my bmom and why was she so cruel to can eat at you every single day.
Sending you lot's of hugs.