Healthy Unborn Baby for Adoption Please help.
Hi My name is Dr Cedric Huffman. i am from Africa, The girl in question here was rapped by a tourist and she is not willing to keep
the baby because she can barely survive and her only family member is her brother who is mentally deranged, She is now 6months
pregnant with the child and it is a male child to be precise, so if there is anyone out there who can help this girl adopt her baby then
that will a very Godly thing to do. the baby is healthy and so is the girl. you can talk with the me and the girl face to face, on skype if
you want and you can reach me via the contacts below:
Phone: +23753802262
Skype: dr.huffman1
NB: The girl can give birth in your country if you wish. or you can start making plans now and wait for the baby to be born and then
you can then adopt him. please contact if there is anything you would love to inquire about this girl or her baby.
God Bless
I will treat this post as if it is from an honest person. Unfortunately, I've seen far too many posts -- especially from Africa -- that turn out to be from scammers. So be sure to check out the credentials of any person who professes to have/know a child you can adopt.
The person writing this email knows nothing about international adoption, or else assumes that YOU do not know about international adoption. Here are some important facts:
1. It is both illegal and unethical to bring a pregnant woman to another country to deliver a baby and place him/her for adoption. In the U.S., the USCIS will not grant a visa to a foreign woman for this purpose, and if she obtains a visa for this purpose by subterfuge, she (and anyone who helps her) can be arrested for visa fraud, a federal crime. The reason for this prohibition is simple; there's too much risk that the woman will be coerced into relinquishment, once the baby is born and she has a chance to see her beautiful child. ALL women have the right to change their mind about placing a child for adoption, once he/she is born and the new Mom has had a certain period of time to recover from the strain of giving birth. Many cases have occurred in the U.S., where a facilitator has brought a pregnant woman to the U.S., and a prospective adoptive family has paid for her housing, medical care, personal needs, and entertainment. Then, when the woman gives birth and decides NOT to place her baby, the facilitator tells her that she must either relinquish her child or pay back all of the expenses the prospective parents incurred. The facilitator may confiscate her passport, so she can't try to go back home with her baby. Since she is likely not to speak English or know how the American legal system works, the facilitator may tell her that, if she goes to the police, she will be arrested and imprisoned because she reneged on a promise. She may also be told that, since she has no money, she will be put out on the street with beggars and thieves; she can't pay her hotel bill or buy food for herself or the baby. Ultimately, out of desperation, she agrees to give up the baby, and is then sent home without the child. This is heartless and cruel, and the U.S. government wants to prevent it from happening to ANY woman, from any country.
2. Every country has laws regarding international adoption. Some prohibit it entirely. Others make laws regarding the qualifications of people who are allowed to adopt (moral character, health status, income, etc.) and the characteristics of children who are considered eligible for adoption (age, health status, relinquishment status). They may also make laws about how the adoptions should be conducted; as an example, some countries forbid independent adoption and require you to go through an agency in your home country, and some countries require you to reside in the foreign country with the child for a period of time before an adoption is finalized. All international adoptions must conform to the laws of the child's country of citizenship. As a result, you cannot simply contact a person with a child for adoption, hand over some money, and return home with a baby. Adoption is a complex legal process that, even in the best of circumstances, may take a year or more. You need to compile dossiers of documents about yourself and the child, have their authenticity validated, and go through a court or administrative process. If the foreign country has ratified the Hague Convention on international adoption, as over 90 countries have, there will be some additional requirements to be satisfied, to protect the rights of the child, the birthparents, and the prospective adoptive family.
3. International adoption involves another legal process, as well -- immigration. Every country has laws about who may enter its borders. In order to bring a newly adopted child, or a child who has been given to you by the foreign courts under a decree of guardianship for adoption in your own country, the child will need to qualify for a visa. The U.S. has a rather strict immigration system, when it comes to adopted children, and if you don't follow it, you may either have to live overseas with your child for two years before bringing him/her home or overturn the adoption. As an example, you will need to have an approved homestudy from your agency and file forms with the USCIS that prove your moral and financial fitness to parent a child. And the child will need to be under 16, an orphan as defined in the Immigration and Nationality Act, and so on. There will also need to be proof that the adoption conformed to the foreign country's laws, that the foreign paperwork was legitimate, and that no coercion, baby-buying, or baby-stealing was involved. Many foreign countries will not finalize an adoption without indications that the child will qualify for immigration to the U.S. (or any other country,)
4. Just because you adopt a child overseas does not mean that he/she will become a citizen automatically. Every country has laws that specify who may become a citizen and how the citizenship process works. With the U.S., if you follow the specific adoption and immigration requirements, and the child comes home on an IR-3 or IH visa, he/she will "usually" become a U.S. citizen as soon as he/she enters the U.S., and a Certificate of Citizenship will be sent to you in the mail, at no charge. However, if the child receives an IR-4 visa, meaning that only one parent (in a two parent family) sees the child before the finalization, or that the child is coming to the U.S. under a decree of guardianship for adoption here, you will need to adopt or readopt in the U.S. before citizenship is automatic, and you will have to pay for a Certificate of Citizenship. If the child lives with the parent overseas for two years before qualifying for immigration, and comes home on an IR-2 visa, he/she does not qualify for automatic citizenship, and you will need to naturalize him/her under the normal process for non-adopted immigrants.
5. Because adoption and immigration are complex legal processes, it is really important to understand both your country and the foreign country laws. Many countries, knowing that, no longer allow people to adopt without using a licensed agency in the parents' home country, which is also approved by the foreign country (and, if necessary, by the Hague authorities). A few African countries require use of an agency. In many cases, those that do not require use of an agency have somewhat vague rules and regulations, and going the independent route is likely to be extremely difficult for an inexperienced prospective parent. A foreign facilitator or lawyer may be helpful, but many won't understand the U.S. side of things, and you will also have no legal recourse if the individual turns out to be untrustworthy. In general, unless you speak the language of the foreign country, know its culture, are familiar with the foreign and U.S. laws concerning adoption and immigration, are familiar with the health and other characteristics of internationally adopted children, and so on, my personal opinion is that you would do well to use a licensed U.S. agency. It will cost you some money -- but if you try to adopt independently, and fail, you could spend a lot of money and not have a child at the end of the process.
All in all, be careful in responding to Internet and email solicitations regarding allegedly adoptable children. And be sure that you follow all applicable laws when trying to adopt and/or immigrate a child.
Last update on August 26, 1:38 pm by Sharon Kaufman.
Sorry ---this post has scam written all over it and anyone falling for it would have to be a complete fool. Bringing a pregnant woman into the country with the intent of her giving birth and adopting the child would be considered human trafficking.
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