I would love some advice about an adoption that I am unsure of. The birth mom has already passed on a couple after they paid her to relocate to a new apt and her living expenses for 3 months before deciding that they weren't suitable to adopt her baby. Now we have spoken to her and her rabid, moneygrabbing lawyers and after a single half hour conversation with her, the lawyers want us to hand over a huge sum of money (non refundable of course) in the next 48 hours or "we will help her to find another adoptive family" . These lawyers want to charge an astronomical sum (don't they all) for this adoption( all profits to them) and although we desperately want this , I have some negative feelings about the whole thing. Am I right ? I know adoption is a money making business to some people and that it's risky but am I being blind to the obvious ? Any ideas of what to do? I was thinking of having a face to face with the adoptive mom before giving away my money to these sharks? Is it illegal for us and the birth mom to find ourselves a compassionate and reasonably priced lawyer or do they not actually exist? Let me know your thoughts please if you have a moment .tall mom