I have a hearing in the next couple of months to terminate the parental rights of my step child's mother. By the time the court date comes, it will be 2 years since he has seen her. She lives very close, there is not reason why she has been absent. My stepchild is autistic and I do not believe he remembers his mom anymore.
I am preparing for this to be contested, but I have no idea if it will. I am waiting to be contacted by the court to start the investigation, and I am waiting for mom to be served.
I am a wreck to say the least.
Any experience anyone might want to share on this process would be great, it has been hard to find a place with any success stories...
Rather than ' Contest ' .
Some people can not handle or tolerate the demands and advocacy of raising a ' Special Needs ' Child brings.
Could I ask what or why you think besides she could Financial receive ' Child Support ' and Social Security SSI and SDI.
Why would she choose then to Contest the Adoption??
Maybe she feels that you could do a better Advocacy and service of raising ' your ' son ??