I was adopted 63 years ago in NYC. After all my life looking, I gave up last year and just did an ancestry DNA test just to see what my ethnicity was. Two months ago I got an email from a woman who said there was a close match on ancestry. I didnt even know they kept a databank. I called her and she told me she was my sister. She also told me I have another sister and a brother and that her/my parents were still alive (89 and 84). To make a long, long story short҅this has been totally life changing and totally unexpected. Im still floating on air in a ғsurreal state. IԒm now the oldest of 4 siblings. There was a lot of crying/laughing and celebration.which continues. ItŒs only going to get much better as time goes on. My adopted parents died over 30 years ago. The night before I found all this out I had a vivid dream of my father at a young age just standing there and smiling at me.
I'm so happy for you - I hope everything works the way it should.
Have you seen pictures?
Let us know how you are doing...
Kind regards,
I'm still euphoric about it all. Still hasn't hit home yet. Been meeting weekly with them all for the last two months. Hard to accept that you've just gained an entire family.
Very happy for your reunion. It is so awesome that your parents were alive to see you and have the whole family there for the reunion. I know that you must be having so many emotions and it must seem surreal, but try to enjoy every minute of it. Congratulations:))