my grandfather james D. Pugh was adopted his birth name was John Adams and his mothers maiden name was adams and she wasn't married. He was born in new York 1917-1919 in either Rochester or in new York,new York in September-his adoptive parents were wayne pugh and Theresa pugh-my grandfather passed away from cancer in 2005 and we never knew who his real family was thank you for your time :wings: :wings: :wings: :wings:
New York is one of the states that has very specific requirements that must be met before they will allow anyone to look at or even search for a birth record. There is no single index that can be accessed -- for any reason. In order to find out who your grandfather's bio parents were you would have to have a court order to open the adoption file created at the time the Pugh family adopted him. You would need to hire an attorney to help you with this and have a reason the courts would accept and genealogy is not typically a valid reason for opening an adoption file. If you did gain access to such a record it would reveal more pertinent information about John Adams (including his mother/father), however the name is extremely common and many were living in the New York area around the period you are interested in (I checked) and they would be a challenge to research.
I hope this information is helpful to you.
Terri E.
Adoption Angel