Our oldest sons bio mom is pregnant with a girl. I have contacted the county to let them know we are interested in taking placment of the baby if taken. They told me they will not just take the baby if she is tested positive. So my question is when do they take babies ? And what are the chances of us getting her?
Chances are she might not lose this child. CPS would have catch her putting her child in danger. I had a case where 1 child ended up in foster care and on didn't. She took the oldest daughter with her, while she went to get drugs and left the baby some where else. She ended up going to a drug treatment center and my aunt and watched the little one. But she kept showing up positive. She lost the oldest and never got her back. Mean while the younger one had to deal with her mom drug life for 5 years. She finely moved and got clean. While this child dealt with her moms drug life. Her mother didn't take good care of her leaving her in dirty diapers, she always had a rash when her mother took care of her. Her mom would prostitute her self, do drugs and steal in front of her. She also left her with her drug friends, sometimes for six months. Stolen her boy friends car for six month and just left her daughter with him. Then six month later she came and traded the car for her daughter. CPS never even paid attention. She was also born with drugs in her system and she wasn't taken from CPS at the hospital. The older daughter in foster care was abandon by her mom for a year in foster care, but no TPR. 5 years later, when mom decided to clean up her act. The older daughter was comfortable, so she stayed in foster care.
in CA it depends on the county. my experience is that cps is called when ever the baby test positive and generally these kids are taken into care. If mom test positive and the baby doesn't they don't always take the baby. But cps is secretive and you just never know.
in CA it depends on the county. my experience is that cps is called when ever the baby test positive and generally these kids are taken into care. If mom test positive and the baby doesn't they don't always take the baby. But cps is secretive and you just never know.
The mom in my story tested positive and nothing happen, even after older sister ended up going to foster care. No worker even paid attention to the baby.
I do understand but mom testing positive with the baby testing negative doesn't get a cps call automatically. The baby is who you are calling for. It was the pediatrician who needed to order the drug screen for the infant. The other thing that happens is mom claims it is the medications prescribed to her that caused the positive demands a retest and magic it is negative. I work in the area and have had women who have kids in care and nothing is reported for the infant. You would think that having other kids in care would be an automatic referral and open case but I am told not necessarily. I am told the kids in care SW would know mom is pregnant and follow-up but we know that isn't always the case. I am told there is also ways that people clear or mask drugs in their system so they test negative...I have no idea what the methods are but would be interested. I know it is frustrating and doesn't put the children first...we can thank the system for this.
My county took three children away from our Bio mom. The first two, the county decided to end her plan and not reunify with her, but the bio dad was able to get them back. The third (different dad) we ended up adopting. After losing our AD, they moved to a different county and had another baby less than a year after the termination. I know they haven been reported (not by me) a couple of times, and that county is not interested in them at all.