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Thread: New Look
Hi Everyone,
I am looking through here taking notes on "dislikes" so we can continually improve the site. Don't worry, this is not the final product. We just needed to get it up so we could see the migrated threads and figure out the improvements that need to be made. Your input is appreciated! The obvious things were the font color and the forums being hard to find. These two items are our priority. We already have designs from our designers that will start to make it easier to find active threads. Our developers will start implementing those Monday and onwards as we come up with other ways to make the format better in the forums. In the mean time as you go to post a reply you can click "yes" under "subscribe" and then next time you login you can go to "my subscribed threads" on the left hand navigation in forums and it will take you directly to YOUR threads.
I'm SO PLEASED the login has worked well for everyone and people are liking the newsfeed on the home page and some of the other new features. I really think this is going to end up being a much better site than the dated old one with spooky double posting and login issues. I know change is hard and I can't please everyone, but I will personally work until this forum is where it needs to be. Thank you to all of you being good sports while we're processing all of this. :) My biggest beef is that we need more emoticons!!!! haha.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! My parents are flying into town to visit, I'm so excited to take them to see our favorite nature spots and get some good card games going with my husband and I. :)