My FD (age 4.5, but delayed) will not stop begging for food. But the problem is that my mom won't stop giving her food.
At my house we do strict meal times and one snack, I have other kids with other food issues and free-ranging has never been an option. She' s been here since she was two (adoption in process!) but before she came she was severely underweight and neglected. She has limited vocab and "I'm hungry" is her default sentence for any emotion. I know this, the sitter knows this, the teacher knows this.
My mom thinks I'm being too strict. And that every time she asks for food she should be given some, just to show that there's plenty of food. Now, as a concept. That's fine. Except.
1) There's another little girl who's about 90 pounds overweight and also desperately attached to food and wants some too.
2) Neither of these girls are able to self-regulate. Period. They will eat until they throw up.
3) She only hardcore begs at gma's because she gets fed. At my house, she'll ask maybe twice and I'll say something like "It's almost lunch time, we're having ... go play." And she's easily distracted and will go play. She's in the 95th percentile on her height and weight.
I'm looking for some scholarly articles or psych articles or ANYTHING that will keep my mom from feeding this child every five minutes. She's not listening to me and thinking I'm being domineering and controlling. We're fighting. Help!
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