Hi everyone,
My wife and I have been (first time) foster parents to twin girls for 3.5 months now. The girls were 14 months when they were placed with us. We are aware that we are VERY early in this process, however as of now the bios are still using and are not returning phone calls/engaging with the department at all. They did show up at court and stated they wanted to work toward RU, however that was two weeks ago now and they haven't even called the CW to talk about getting visits reinstated (visits were suspended 5 weeks ago). The next court date isn't until December so things could still go either way, but as of now it does appear adoption is a possibility.
After a lot of discussing, we decided that, upon adoption, we would want to change their names. We already have nicknames that we call them at home that we'd likely use. What are your experiences with this? We have a lot of reasoning that I can go into if you'd like, however I'm interested in your thoughts before I go down my huge explanations. The key points here are: They're still young and don't have a full identity surrounding their names yet and they already respond to the names we'd use.
All opinions welcome! TIA!
My DD was older and knew her name (5 when she moved in). We discussed it. She opted to keep her first and middle name, but changed her last name
Yours are so young, I'm assuming they won't notice. You might want to ask some adult adoptees about their thoughts on the subject.
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My son changed his middle name to two middle names and was thrilled to be a part of the decision making.
All of mine were older child adoptions. L didn't change his first name and his last name became his middle name while taking my last name. Now, he wishes he had changed it and uses a nickname. My 2 youngest jumped at the chance: they were 8 and 7 and J changed first middle and last names and B kept his middle and changed his first and last names.