I was wondering if there were any familes who celebrated Birth Father's Day. Mother's Day and Birth Mother's Day was only a few weeks ago, but here we are approaching Father's Day in just a few days. I found this article and wanted to know your thoughts. Do you and youor family do anything to honor birth fathers? What kind of traditions do you have, or maybe wish you had?
We don't "celebrate" anything "birth". I'm not with my son's father, but I would never encourage that.
We don't celebrate "birthmother's" day either. I celebrate becoming a mother, I sure don't celebrate becoming a birthmother, which is one of the worst days of my life.
My son and his family don't do anything for me that day, and I don't expect it. My mother refuses contact so I pray for her on that day. I pray for my father on that day as well as he passed away before I was born.
Birth Mother's day was put together by women who had lost children to adoption as a day to get together and talk about their lives, their struggles, their successes. It has since been co-opted by the adoption industry and used as a way to relegate us to the back burner and not take way from adoptive moms.
We can share, it isn't that hard. If there was a "birthfather's day" I'm sure the exact same thing would happen.