I thought this article had some really great tips to handle grief. I know that writing in a journal has always been very theraputic throughout my life. What are somethings that have worked for you when coping with grief?
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Hi Crystal,
Thank you for the article. I was much like the girl in the article. I never grieved before and at first did not know what was going on with my emotions. My greif did not hit me until the day I was reunited with my son. I went from being the happiest person on Earth to the most unhappy person on Earth. Unfortuantly, since I did not know what was happening to me, my son had to go through the turmoil with me until I could educate myself on the greiving process. I felt some relief in my greif process after my extreme anger stage where I expressed my rage to all those involved in this adoption, including myself. At that point there was so much damage done on both parts in our reunion that we both ended it. I only got to have my son back for 6 months and only 2% of that time was happy.I wish I knew then what I know now because I think we both could have handeled ourselves better during the reunion process. I have not completely given up on my son, and I reach out to him on occassion, but I fear that if I reach out to much he will pull back farther. I have never loved a human being as much as I love my son and the pain of the not knowing whether I will ever see him again is unbearable.
Last update on July 22, 4:07 pm by lgnanny.