My 3.5 year old FS has taken to spitting when he is angry/doesn't get his way/is reprimanded, etc.
I put him on his bed each and every time, but it seems to be having zero impact on stopping the behavior.
How the heck do I help him to stop this behavior? It is disgusting.
My FD did this. I ignored it in the moment and when her tantrum was over and she had done her timeout calmly, she had to get paper towels and clean it up. Just like she had to pick up things that she threw and fix things that she broke. Birth Mom reacted very strongly to it so I'm sure that's why it was a behavior in the first place. She quit within a month or so with me, simply because it didn't get her anything *especially* not a reaction. Unsurprisingly it was a behavior that continued on visit with Birth Mom.
I work in special Ed and it's a common behavior. Behaviorists working with the kids always have staff ignore it as well.
Good luck!
Last update on August 23, 7:16 pm by SingleMom15.
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