So I'm new to the site... but I do have some that maybe some of you can help me with... here's our situation. My husband and I have been married 8 years. We knew we wanted children but it wasn't something we were thinking about at the time. Last year we had a woman in our church ask us if we'd be willing to take care of her child while she got a situation with cps dealt with.. she assured me it was all a misunderstanding and just needed to be clarified (which of course turned out untrue). Needless to say we have had him since was a month old and know are planning on adopting... the mom (who was having charges pinned against) gave up her rights for a plea deal. And I'm not sure how to feel or really deal with this... I think she is expecting to still be a part of his life (as more than just a friend of the family) as she continues to come to the same church I do and purposely sit close to us so she can see him... she was told she can no longer have contact with him but when he with someone else from the church like after service she goes to that person and starts playing with him.... I'm not sure how to nicely tell her to stop (as I have already asked her many times before)... is it wrong of me to let her know that I do not plan on involving her in our lives?n Now of course if he asks questions I will inform but legally she is not allowed to have contact with him until her probation is over and even then I'm not sure if I will allow... she had deceived me more than once and is constantly doing things behind my back that I have asked her not to do. Any advice or personal experiences with help. Thank you
Do you know what the charges are? I ask because my 2 youngest, who were fost/adopted have recently been in contact with their birth father, who's incarcerated. I initiated it. It's done a world of good for them. Not saying you should let her see your child unsupervised but what about meeting at a public place and letting them spend time together. Adoption places a layer on a kid that non-adoptees can never understand.
Child abuse. The dad was sentenced and the mom took a plea deal for no jail time... I guess it just aggrivates me that she has no plan on trying to respect our rules and boundaries. And right now he is still in cps care technically and she is not allowed any contact but she still does when someone other than me or my husband have him