Hi there,
I am thinking of buying a Tinyhouse but I am wondering if I would still be approved for foster-adoption in California. I prefer living small so I can devote my time to my child/ren rather than to "stuff", if that makes any sense, and my son and I have been living in a small space for quite some time. Does anyone know if living in a Tinyhouse would be acceptable for the homestudy? I have one, 6 year old, son and each of us, my son, me, and a future child through foster-adoption would have our own sleeping loft.
Please Google "tiny house" or "tinyhouse movement" if you're not sure what I'm talking about. Not sure if I'm allowed to put links on here myself:)
You should double check with an agency in your state but most Foster/Adoption stuff requires the child have a bedroom with a door
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There are also minimum square footage requirements that you will need to be aware of for the bedroom. I'm not sure what your age range will be, but you'll also need to think about whether a child will be able to get in and out of a loft room easily. Behaviors and emotional needs coupdate get in the way as well as physical abilities.
I'm a big fan of the tiny house movement, at least in theory. I liv in the frigid north, so it's not so practical when there are months at a time that we can't play outside much. I do live in a smaller than average space, which is still probably larger than we absolutely need. You may very well be able to have a small space that isn't a true tiny house.
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Thank you both for your replies. Having a door and the square footage requirement could both be deterrents that might mean I'll need to wait a few years for my tiny house dream. I've been living abroad for a long time, including in Japan where house/living size ideals are much smaller than in the US and the thought of having to keep a "big" house clean freaks me out a bit, ha ha. But I'm sure I'll figure it out. The kids will be the main thing, obviously, and although my (also adopted) son and I are used to small living, I recognize it could be an adjustment for other children. I'm hoping to foster-adopt between the ages of 4-10.
Thanks again:)