I was born 9/30/1970 and was placed shortly thereafter in a foster home until my final adoption on 12/21/1970. I was given the name Nancy Jane Nichols by the nurses in the Florence, Alabama hospital. The letter written to my Mama is as follows:
Dear Mother,
You have an early riser. The baby usually rises about 6:30 a.m. She has a bottle and a long nap. She's not on much of a schedule. Between 10:00 and 12:00 she has breakfast of fruits she likes a little bottle before the fruit and then more after a short nap. She sleeps most of the afternoon and has more food about 4:00. She only eats a few bits of vegetables then. She is usually fussy between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. It isn't you so don't worry. She eats cereal and fruit again between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. Bananas and yellow vegetables are favorites on homogenized milk at room temperature or a little cooler.
The baby is accustomed to young children. She enjoys their noise and quick movements. She also likes to be whistled to and talked to softly. We shall miss her very much.
Foster Mother
P.S. You'll need a bumper pad for the crib, she scoots around a lot. She also cries out loud in her sleep. Also, when she is really fussy she likes to be carried on your hip facing forward with your hand on her stomach.
Last update on January 26, 12:53 am by Mary Claire.