Hello, I am just browsing getting some info on adoption and such.
However, I have had a history of depression, been on medications and such but now I am doing really good. I have an emotion dog that has kept me from even needing to be on medicine, went to counseling last year. Haven't been depressed anymore. I am looking to adopt in the next two years or so but is adoption even an option for me and my spouse due to my past depression? please give me as much info as possible. We are worried about that.
Last update on February 2, 3:39 pm by Brenda Huber.
In NY, a doctor has to sign off and say you're ok to adopt; if there haven't been any issues, there should be no problem
There is a difference between domestic and international adoption. Some countries are hesitant when a hopeful adoptive parent is currently on anti-depressants. In a domestic adoption you may need to present some sort of medical clearance from your doctor during the process of your home study.