I am reaching out for someone who may have been on this path before me. Last August we started fostering a 13 year old girl who has had one of the roughest lives I know. She thought her current foster home was going to be adopting her, but they failed two home studies. Almost two years ago her 15 year old brother, and then her bio mother 6 weeks later committed suicide. She was seeming to do well and asked us to adopt her in November. We lovingly did. About 2 months ago she started cutting. We made a safety plan which she did not follow. Last week I discovered a suicide note with a plan and it scared me to death. It was recommended she be hospitalized, which we did. We don't feel she has improved in her 10 days in the hospital and the Guidance Clinic here has highly recommended she be placed inpatient at a facility in our state. We are terrified to do this and terrified to bring her home, as we feel she is still in a very bad place. Last night on the phone she told us she doesn't feel anything right now. Has anyone placed a child of theirs in an inpatient facility and what were the results? Thanks.
How is ' Life ' four months later??
In California as well also, most ' Residential Treatment Facilities ; require . That as Parents and Family you Terminate your Parental Rights in order to pay for Treatment??
Just an update. We did place her in residential treatment. It hasn't been a terrible experience and we are hopeful she has learned some tools for dealing with her depression. We don't feel she has opened up in communicating with adults and she definitely has not worked through some of her trauma as we had hoped she would have. But she may never want to work through it, it is up to her. We are planning on bringing her home the end of July so she can start high school with her peers,but know it will be a tough transition back home. She really likes the facility she is in and mentioned several times when she was home on her first weekend pass how much she missed the facility. We worry she is just around the corner of that major depression and suicidal thoughts again but don't know how to prevent it. We will have her in therapies when she gets home and hope they are helpful.