We have to beautiful boys one three year old and one 11 month old half brothers. Three-year-old we're confident of adoption by the end of the year the 11 month old we are having to deal with bio dad in the picture he is doing all visits and from what are adoption worker says is making a half-hearted effort to get the baby back. He is out of prison has been out for 6 months. Has two domestic violence restraining orders out against him one from the baby's mother and one from his own bio mom he has already had 6 months of services and we have learned they are going to be offering him another 6 months of services on Monday. At this time he has no home no Apartments nowhere to live and no job so I'm just wondering what are the chances of him being reunified with the baby or the baby going for adoption ?
How did Court go??
California as a state is in a ' state of flux ' with the Foster Care System, and the Advocacy of the Court is what is in the Best Interests of the Child . As well as reunification services with Biological Family....