Hi Everyone,
I'm new here, and I need some advice/encouragement. I was devastated on Monday when my foster son's social worker told me that DSS is moving my foster son to a so-called family friend after he has been with me nearly 6 months. This is a special needs baby.
Last update on December 4, 9:40 am by Kelli Beebe.
DFYS is the ' Legal Guardian.
They have all of the ' Power and Control ' !!!
Welcome to the ' World of Foster Care ' !!!
Being a foster parent can feel like you’ve stepped into a crazy world, one where you have no idea what the best move is at every turn. Everyone helping a child in need is a hero in my book, and I hope that together we can learn more and do better all the way around.
Hi Kelli. That is a hard one for sure! While it's true that everyone really is trying to look out for the best interests of the child, often they don't have all the information. And I think it doesn't hurt to have IN WRITING and then to talk to supervisors of supervisors ... all the way up - if you think that what is happening isn't best for the child. We had our son with us for 8 months (he came to us when he was 5 weeks old) when DSS told us parental rights were terminated and they were now going to place him in a family with brown skin like his. This son was FINALLY attaching and would absolutely NOT thrive if he were removed again. It was a long battle, but in the end, he became ours legally. This was not all about us, though we were attached. I feared he would refuse to eat and would just die if he had to go through it all again. Sometimes, we need to be bold. Good luck!