I was looking years ago and just never found anything so figured I would start my search again!
Iso half brother born in 1973 in New York and I believe somewhere between Feb-April. Sometime I think before Easter or right around easter. The reason why I know Easter is because she said she remembers going home right before easter. Catholic charities handled the adoption and he was born in or around the Albany area. Either at Albany Hospital or St. Peters hospital ( I think thats the name) He as adopted before she even gave birth so the new parents were there at time of delivery. If any of this sounds familiar please let me know! I am feeling a bit discouraged, for I have been searching on and off for around 9 years now. Anyways, thank you again. My Mother was put in one of those Catholic Charities Homes or a Pregnancy Home during her pregnancy. Her parents put her in their after they found out she was pregnant. They were against her pregnancy. She said she blocked out most of it and so that is why I am having such a hard time getting exact info. She stayed there with other young pregnant women until she gave birth. Her maiden name is Elizabeth Getman. I appreciate any input or advice too! Have a wonderful day!
Last update on January 1, 1:58 pm by Candyleighs.
Hi Candy! I don’t know how else to get in touch with you. Can you email me? This is my email me? My email is I’ve googled your name and searched on Facebook but there are so many people with the same name. Would lobe to get in touch!