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For the trauma: lying, disrespect (both to me and to other adults), not listening to teachers; my youngest had a tantrum in a store where he laid out on the floor and was either crying or screaming. The 2 little ones have also tried "leaving" home. Also, as they heal (once they start to bond and feel safe they'll start healing), they will regress. Out of the blue, they'll do something and you'll wonder why. They also have triggers which set them off. For my youngest, it's being yelled. Not sure if you've read Bryan Post, but one these is to always be calm. This works in theory; in real life, it's different. but it does make a difference.
I can imagine that the loss and trauma that kids have gone through is difficult to navigate. @millie58 what have you experienced? What insight do you have to help in the transition and coping?