What advice would you give to someone who is close to a woman who has recently chosen to place her child for adoption? What are some ways that people demonstrated their love and support of you that were particularly helpful? Or what do you wish someone had done for you?
She has unselfishly done a remarkable and indescribable act . That her child will remember.
Are you sure that she feels or that you both feel comfortable with her decision to place??
I found that by not allowing them to be forgotten. Make sure they know that you see parts of them in your shared child (or in this case that you see things about her in her child). I would send my DD's first mom pictures in the morning. Telling her she had her smile or was doing something similar to her. So help her feel connected to her baby. Remind her that she is a mother, regardless of the adoption. Make her something like a scrap book or memory book with pictures of her child.
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