In your opinion, if someone is NOT experiencing infertility or related issues but want to adopt, should they pursue foster or international adoption rather than domestic infant adoption?
I think it's going to vary for individual families. It's a very private decision when you choose what route you want to go down in adoption. However, for me, I'm more interested in pursuing an international or foster adoption because I do not struggle with infertility and would not be interested in directing my funds/efforts/etc. for domestic infant adoption. However, my spouse is interested in domestic infant adoption because he loves the idea of being with his child from day one. Which I guess shows it's not only family by family, but individual by individual.
As someone who struggles with infertility, I am not against those who don't have infertility issues pursuing domestic infant adoption. I have spoken with some people are against it because they believe people who struggle with infertility should have "first dibs". I can see why some people may think it's not fair, but I don't feel that I am more entitled to adopting an infant just because I have infertility issues. Choosing between the different kinds of adoption should be entirely up to the individual or couple pursuing the adoption. In my opinion, if you have 6 biological children and you have the means and desire to adopt, then go for it!