I believe that adopted children benefit greatly when they know that their family of origin is respected, regardless of the circumstances that brought them to adoption. What does your family do to help honor your child's first parents?
I completely agree that children who are adopted greatly benefit from knowing about their first family. We honor his birth family by sticking by the promises we made to them and telling our son about his birth family. He might only be 6 weeks old, but I want him to always know he has LOTS of people who love him. We have a photo of his birth mom in his nursery and we visit with his birth family.
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My birth daughter is too little to understand what adoption is, but she definitely knows I am someone special. There are photos of her and me in her nursery. We visit often, and her adoptive parents are always so thrilled to see me, so she is as well. I can tell they have been practicing saying my name with her. They do the same with their son, talking openly and positively about how much their birth parents love them. It's the little things like these that count.
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