I didn't realize how many people I knew were adopted until I adopted my son. It turns out there are so many people around me who are adopted. Do you know anyone who was adopted?
My step dad is adopted (stepparent adoption), one of my cousins is (International - Korea), quite a few of my husband's cousins are (domestic as babies/toddlers), and one of our family friends is (International - Guatemala). It is so awesome. Adoption is all around us. We love it!
One of the coolest things about being a birth mom is meeting people who were adopted. A few times I have met people and the topic has come up only for me to find out they are adopted. Most of them have come from closed adoptions, and I've had some very meaningful, sometimes tearful experiences sharing my story and my love for my birth mom. One of the most wonderful things anyone has ever said to me was my next door neighbor. He said "I am so grateful to hear about how much you love your birth daughter. It makes me believe that my birth mother loves me too".
My kids' principal comes from a family of five adopted kids! He mentioned that to me one day because I'd told him I work in the adoption field - When he said that, his last name clicked in my head - turns out, I actually knew his mom through my job.
It is so fun to meet people who have some kind of connection to the adoption community, whether they were adopted themselves, have relatives or children who were adopted, or are birth parents. I love exchanging stories and hearing about all of the ways that people come to the decision to adopt or place for adoption. Each story is so unique and special. We left our son with a babysitter for the first time and she said that she told her boyfriend that she was going to watch a baby who was adopted. He got excited and was like, "I was adopted too!" Now he wants to meet my husband and I and our son. He recently reconnected with his birth family and I can't wait to hear all about his story!
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